Every individual doggo has its unique attitude and characteristic. Both large and small sizes can do quite well and be happy to share your tenement. A couple of breeds can fit the bill for being comfortable in smaller spaces. Here’s the list if you’d like a place to start. Not all of us can afford …
Here’s what you need to know if you’re looking to get insurance for your pet bird. The first-ever pet insurance policy was written by Claes Virgin in the late 1800s and focused on high utility animals such as horses and livestock. The first dog insurance cover was in Sweden in 1924. Since then, more and …
Individual house pets indeed have different personalities. If you already have a cat at home and are looking to introduce a dog – breed matters! Here are the following eight (8) best dog breeds for cats. Majority of folks are either a dog or a cat person. But what about those of us who love …
Studies have shown the development of empathy among children who nurture pets. Read on to discover the best cat breeds that have a long lifespan, are affectionate and easy to maintain for your family. The benefits of owning a cat have long been scientifically proven. Cats are known to reduce the risk of heart disease, …